Friday, January 30, 2009


i still can't think of a film title... well i have a few ideas being tossed around, but they just don't seem like they fit the film. i've always had a hard time naming/giving titles to my stuff. i hate titling artwork. it feels like your assigning them into a category or an idea. i mean i love seeing great titles on things...but i'm just really bad at it myself.

[edit] path [/edit]
still in the process of thinking :)


MSK said...

SO PRETTY!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see it in color!

jake armstrong said...

Thanks Sandy!

I can't wait to see your film, your screenshot looks amazing!

EunQ said...

This looks amazing...
Is she wearing hanbok? :D
Hope you came up with the good title! REally wanna know what it's about!

Elyssa said...

You should give it a title like "my film is awesome, please give me a job now"