Friday, January 30, 2009


i still can't think of a film title... well i have a few ideas being tossed around, but they just don't seem like they fit the film. i've always had a hard time naming/giving titles to my stuff. i hate titling artwork. it feels like your assigning them into a category or an idea. i mean i love seeing great titles on things...but i'm just really bad at it myself.

[edit] path [/edit]
still in the process of thinking :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

the new year

happy new year :) hope everyone has new resolutions (that they should follow).
I haven't updated this blog in a long time, but here i am. i decided to not follow my once a week update and that's only bc i use this blog more as what i'm doing with my thesis and professional work. but since i haven't had any time to do any "professional" work, and i'm just animating on my thesis, i dont really have much to show. (and plus i dont really want to upload animation unless its my finished film)

so here are my resolutions for 2009
these are both short term and long term goals

10. eat healthy
9. begin coloring animation before feb. 20
8. lose 13 lbs
7. get an apt.
6. get a job
5. build my portfolio
4. build up my professional reputation
3. begin ideas/create a passive recurring income (thanks matt >__>)
2. fix website
1. be better about saving money

i'll be adding and crossing out to this list :) hopefully i'll be able to fulfill my resolution