Wednesday, December 9, 2009

it's been so long!

It's been a long time! I'm not dead D:
and I HAVE been working on some drawings. I'm now drawing/coloring Jisuk Cho's backgrounds. So here's some eye candy for you guys D: since I haven't been posting any drawings.
Also I've been working on a gift art for a friend and i'm coloring it now but I'm not done yet >_> I also haven't looked at it in a while. but here's some screenshots! enjoy!
Also good news everyone! So I've been working freelance at this children's toy and book studio called scribble town. I was doing books/package design and assembly. But now i'm being hired as part time. So it's great 8) I'm not completely in the whole now. I'm getting back up on my feet now and it feels great! Hope this will continue to a full time or maybe even to another job. How's everyone else doing? Hope everyone is at least drawing!

BG for Jisuk
and gift for my friend

mmm still WIP. i'll post more in the future. :S